The city writes culture roughly

The annual reports of the city's institutions at the meeting of the herzogenaurach cultural committee once again proved that herzogenaurach has a great deal to offer in the way of culture. There were few questions and no criticism of the reports from the culture department, the adult education center, the city library, the city museum, the generation center and the kathe zang music school. Instead, there was a great deal of praise and recognition for the individual institutions, on the one hand for the activities and programs they had carried out, and on the other hand for the very detailed and detailed reports.

Culture department

The annual report for the culture department was presented by helmut biehler, and he was able to report on well-attended events throughout. The expenditures remained below the budget estimate, although the costs for the security concept for the major events such as the old town and medieval festivals as well as the summer church fair had to be paid for. "Increased security measures will continue to be implemented in the coming years and will have a significant impact on budgets and spending", biehler explained.
He went on to explain that not only the main events were very well attended, but also the individual events held as part of the cultural days on the theme of "schrag/strich" … ". This was the last cultural days in the old form, already in february the ticket sales for the highlights of this year's cultural festival "hin&" will start herzo" begin. Biehler reminded the audience that the theme of the festival was "revolution" will also be an annual topic. "There is still a lot of work to be done before the summer, especially in terms of organization. ,to& herzo' is a new and also rough house number for herzogenaurach in this respect," explained, said biehler.

Commemoration of nazi victims

Commemoration of the victims of national socialism will take place on 27. January a lecture will be given in the meeting room of the town hall. The topic has a very close connection to herzogenaurach, and mark devin is being discussed under the title "murdered and forgotten" remembering ten herzogenaurach burghers. They were victims of the national socialist euthanasia killing program. The lecture was based on the research that the historian from herzogenaurach had done on this topic only last year. As the mayor explained, also in response to a question from city councillor peter simon (grune), a grave should also be dedicated to the victims, and a memorial stone or stumbling stones are also conceivable.
The open-air cinema is scheduled to take place from 14. Up to 23. June and will for the time being be held for the last time in the castle courtyard after the old town festival of 1. To 3. June will take place. The summer church fair starts on 7. And continues until 15. July. On monday, 9. July, this year will be honored volunteers who are involved in the fire departments and rescue associations. This year, the soccer world cup is taking place at the same time as the open-air cinema and the summer church fair – experience has shown that this must always be taken into account. The medieval festival on 28. And 29. July will again be organized by the city, as last year, i.E. Without the participation of the forder- und werbegemeinschaft.

The city museum

Irene lederer and christian hoyer were visibly proud when they reported on the town museum and town archive. The special exhibition "70 years of schaeffler" was a great success a rush of visitors, also exhibitions during the year like "the world of michael prechtl with the private collection of bernd wustner have been a point of attraction. To the "nights in the museum" project and the project day "museum suitcase at the grammar school" as well as "schuler fuhren schuler" CSU city councilor franz-josef lang suggested a stronger focus on museum education, which christian hoyer was able to assure him of. The school project began in september, and a fifth-grade student and a fourth-grade student are being prepared to conduct tours of the museum on their own. Target groups are first and foremost their peers.
In february the exhibition "we don't shy away from conflicts" starts, in which texts and pictures are used to point out the methods and practical work in conflict regions. In may, the era of flower power and space design will take hold at the museum. Also the city museum takes up in the autumn with the exhibition "murdered and forgotten" the topic of the death camps during the nazi era.
Irene lederer again pointed out the space problems both in the museum and in the depot, especially since she was able to accept a number of new exhibits from private individuals. The proposal by siegbert sendner (SPD) to rebuild the "old hospital to the museum came to nothing, because mayor german hacker (SPD) pointed out that the city council had decided to put the building to residential use.

The city library

The city library expects restrictions for users when it moves out of the castle building, which is in need of renovation, explained director gabriele lechner in her annual report. That's why the bookstore wants to further expand its digital offering. Since september, the staff has been busy converting the media. Each medium has to be removed from the shelf, a transponder label affixed to the inside and entered into the bookstore system. "At the same time, the stock will be thoroughly checked and damaged copies will be sorted out", explained the director. Lechner also reported on a visit to the state office for public libraries in herzogenaurach. In the final report of the expert office, the atmosphere of the current rooms with stucco ceilings and chandeliers is praised, but it is also pointed out that the rooms are cramped and in need of renovation.
The director of the bookshop also emphasized the cooperation with schools and kindergartens. The headline "almost one in five fourth-graders can't read properly" this certainly does not apply to the schools in herzogenaurach, lechner explained. 64 classes or kindergarten groups visited the library, three classes had reading nights in the library, and seven classes came regularly to borrow books. The demand for book boxes is also steadily increasing, and topics such as "forest are in constant demand. Gabriele lechner also recalled joint activities with the music school, two reading sessions and picture book cinemas.

The adult education center

There was also satisfaction and agreement with the report of the adult education center (VHS), which was presented by director oliver kundler and his deputy fabienne geibdorfer. Last year there were 652 events with 7120 participants. As fabienne geibdorfer explained, there was also an increase in the number of language courses in 2017. Since september, the language level B2 will also be taught from march, the language level C1 will also be included in the program. Geibdorfer described the integration course required by the federal office for migration and refugees as a success. Thus, 47 percent of the participants passed integration course 1 and 2, exceeding the regional average of 40 percent.
Geibdorfer was unable to agree to peter simon's proposal to form smaller groups in order to intensify the course of action. There are requirements from the federal office, and in the end it also depends on the participants. Geibdorfer paid high praise to the successful participants. "It's not easy to learn language and writing as an adult in three quarters of a year. Let's look at it the other way around and learn to speak and write arabic in nine months."
Oliver kundler reported on the preparations for the qualified secondary school leaving certificate/ high school diploma. There, the participant bookings exceeded all expectations. Also the lectures were mostly overfilled. Kundler pointed out four lectures this year and invited to the 65th anniversary of the VHS on 9 may. June a.
Culture without borders" for the last time this year the working group is ending its activities after 22 summers. On 12. May goes with "friedland and markus milian muller, followed by "harp&" harb" on 16. June. The "machado quartet guest appearance on 30. June in the courtyard of the lang family and with a jazz pint "culture without borders" comes to an end. Oliver kundler is already working on a new series of events.

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