Here you can get help with educational issues

Here you can get help with educational issues

Some things are different in coburg. For example, the education and participation package. Initiated by the federal government years ago, the job centers in many municipalities are responsible for processing applications and issuing notices. In coburg, susanne holzmann and andrea hofer from the city's education office have been taking care of the processing since april 2011. This is what the city council decided.

The two employees advise and remind those affected when new applications have to be made, and are contact persons for all those who want to use the education and participation package. This was based on an agreement with the jobcenter that expired at the end of the year and had to be renewed. The culture and school senate decided to extend the agreement indefinitely.

990 benefit recipients
Susanne holzmann and andrea hofer can fall back on a functioning network. They work with the job center, the housing subsidy office, the family benefits office, and the schools and daycare centers. "That has been preserved", klaus anderlik, head of the school authority, stated yesterday in the culture and school senate. In the period from july 2012 to june 2013, 882 applications were approved and only 41 were rejected. "We currently have 990 recipients of benefits from the education and participation package, including 116 new applicants." 1296 lunch subsidies were applied for – that's the rough number.

But cultural and social participation is obviously also important to families, stated klaus anderlik. The education office has received 641 applications. Whereas the city spent around 190,000 euros on the package in 2012, the figure for 2013 so far is 155,400 euros. But this figure is still rising, the head of the school district explained.

In response to a question from city councilor gerhard amend (CSB) about how much money the job center contributes to the financing, klaus anderlik replied: "the job center reimburses the costs for one position in the education office."

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