Three men have been in the kreistag for 40 years

Three men have been in the Kreistag for 40 years

Heinz kohler (SPD), a former district administrator, remembers this time well. In yesterday’s meeting, he and district curator of local history gunter dippold recalled this time. He has not been a county councilor for 40 years, but he is a member of the county council. Was kohler from 1. July 1972 to 24. July 1989 as landrat present.
District administrator oswald marr (SPD) described kohler’s work for municipal committees as a lifetime achievement. "We know what you have done for all of us.It is a special honor for me to award you here today", so marr visibly moved. He went into detail about kohler’s various offices, from county councilor to district councilor and member of the european parliament, the state parliament and the federal parliament, all the way to the town council in mitwitz, where he still serves today.
Always sitting as a county council karl-H. Fick (SPD) and heinz hausmann (CSU) on the board – and have been for 40 years now too. "You have been elected seven times, have dealt with hundreds of agenda items over the years, have spent many hours here in the meetings and have often fought on the floor", marr praised ficks and hausmann’s commitment. Both are also heavily involved in voluntary work.

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